[0] => f
[1] => f
[2] => f
[3] => f
[4] => v
[5] => f
[6] => v
[7] => f
[8] => v
[9] => v
SearchResponse Object
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[0] => SalesOrder Object
[nullFieldList] =>
[createdDate] => 2022-01-15T08:15:19.000-08:00
[customForm] =>
[entity] => RecordRef Object
[name] => C101133 Town of Stony Point
[internalId] => 8012
[externalId] =>
[type] =>
[job] =>
[currency] =>
[drAccount] =>
[fxAccount] =>
[tranDate] => 2022-01-14T21:00:00.000-08:00
[tranId] => 14270
[entityTaxRegNum] =>
[source] =>
[createdFrom] => RecordRef Object
[name] => Estimate #Q1595
[internalId] => 182374
[externalId] =>
[type] =>
[orderStatus] =>
[nextBill] =>
[opportunity] =>
[salesRep] =>
[contribPct] =>
[partner] =>
[salesGroup] =>
[syncSalesTeams] =>
[leadSource] => RecordRef Object
[name] => x.Cold Call
[internalId] => 2830
[externalId] =>
[type] =>
[startDate] => 2022-01-12T21:00:00.000-08:00
[endDate] => 2022-01-20T21:00:00.000-08:00
[otherRefNum] =>
[memo] =>
[salesEffectiveDate] =>
[excludeCommission] =>
[totalCostEstimate] =>
[estGrossProfit] =>
[estGrossProfitPercent] =>
[exchangeRate] =>
[promoCode] =>
[currencyName] =>
[discountItem] =>
[discountRate] =>
[isTaxable] =>
[taxItem] =>
[taxRate] =>
[toBePrinted] =>
[toBeEmailed] =>
[email] =>
[toBeFaxed] =>
[fax] => 845-429-6793
[messageSel] =>
[message] => Please do not pay from this document. This is not an invoice, please call (800) 734-1476 if you have questions
[paymentOption] =>
[inputAuthCode] =>
[inputReferenceCode] =>
[checkNumber] =>
[paymentCardCsc] =>
[paymentProcessingProfile] =>
[handlingMode] =>
[outputAuthCode] =>
[outputReferenceCode] =>
[paymentOperation] =>
[dynamicDescriptor] =>
[billingAddress] => Address Object
[nullFieldList] =>
[internalId] => 95309
[country] => _unitedStates
[attention] => Town of Stony Point
[addressee] => Attn: Accounts Payable
[addrPhone] =>
[addr1] => 15 Rose Street
[addr2] =>
[addr3] =>
[city] => Stony Point
[state] => NY
[zip] => 10980
[addrText] => Town of Stony Point
Attn: Accounts Payable
15 Rose Street
Stony Point NY 10980
United States
[override] =>
[customFieldList] =>
[billAddressList] =>
[shippingAddress] => Address Object
[nullFieldList] =>
[internalId] => 213646
[country] => _unitedStates
[attention] => Town of Stony Point
[addressee] => Attn: Larry Brissing - Highway Dpt.
[addrPhone] =>
[addr1] => 15 Rose Street
[addr2] => Phone: 845-786-2300
[addr3] =>
[city] => Stony Point
[state] => NY
[zip] => 10980
[addrText] => Town of Stony Point
Attn: Larry Brissing - Highway Dpt.
15 Rose Street
Phone: 845-786-2300
Stony Point NY 10980
United States
[override] => 1
[customFieldList] =>
[shipIsResidential] =>
[shipAddressList] =>
[fob] =>
[shipDate] => 2022-01-17T21:00:00.000-08:00
[actualShipDate] =>
[shipMethod] =>
[shippingCost] =>
[shippingTax1Rate] =>
[isMultiShipTo] =>
[shippingTax2Rate] =>
[shippingTaxCode] =>
[handlingTaxCode] =>
[handlingTax1Rate] =>
[handlingTax2Rate] =>
[handlingCost] =>
[trackingNumbers] =>
[linkedTrackingNumbers] =>
[shipComplete] =>
[paymentMethod] =>
[shopperIpAddress] =>
[saveOnAuthDecline] => 1
[canHaveStackable] =>
[creditCard] =>
[revenueStatus] =>
[recognizedRevenue] =>
[deferredRevenue] =>
[revRecOnRevCommitment] =>
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[ccExpireDate] =>
[ccName] =>
[ccStreet] =>
[ccZipCode] =>
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[creditCardProcessor] =>
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[ccApproved] =>
[getAuth] =>
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[ccAvsZipMatch] =>
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[ccSecurityCodeMatch] =>
[altSalesTotal] =>
[ignoreAvs] =>
[paymentEventResult] =>
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[paymentEventType] =>
[paymentEventDate] =>
[paymentEventUpdatedBy] =>
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[taxTotal] => 0
[altShippingCost] =>
[altHandlingCost] =>
[total] => 924
[revRecSchedule] =>
[revRecStartDate] =>
[revRecEndDate] =>
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[paypalProcess] =>
[billingSchedule] =>
[ccSecurityCode] =>
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[class] =>
[department] =>
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[name] => EZ Street Co.
[internalId] => 1
[externalId] =>
[type] =>
[intercoTransaction] =>
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[lastModifiedDate] => 2022-04-02T07:26:50.000-07:00
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[taxPointDate] =>
[taxDetailsOverride] =>
[location] =>
[pnRefNum] =>
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[tax2Total] =>
[terms] => RecordRef Object
[name] => Net 30
[internalId] => 1
[externalId] =>
[type] =>
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[vatRegNum] =>
[giftCertApplied] =>
[oneTime] =>
[recurWeekly] =>
[recurMonthly] =>
[recurQuarterly] =>
[recurAnnually] =>
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Tracking: 149-2797491-6 / Central Transport
Delivered: 1/20/2022 - 2022-01-20T21:00:00.000-08:00
Received: 1/14/2022 - 2022-01-14T21:00:00.000-08:00
Shipped: 1/17/2022 - 2022-01-17T21:00:00.000-08:00